Systemic work

Isabella Dyba Diplom-Psychologin

Systemic work

I feel very connected to the systemic approach. He accompanied me for years as a systemic family therapist during my training and strengthened my position.

One of the theoretical milestones of this view is Constructivism, which, to put it simply, means that we construct our own reality. We are the creators of our thoughts, perceptions, interpretations and actions. And so we are always responsible for our view of things, but we can change them at any time if we want to. This is how Heinz von Förster, who with his book “The truth is the invention of a liar” stimulates reflection and rethinking, comes to the conclusion: “At every moment I can decide who I am”.

Here we can start wonderfully in therapy. Because every day, every minute, we have the opportunity to change our way of thinking and acting. It certainly costs strength to get out of the long rehearsed and now often automated thought processes and behavioral patterns and to relearn them, but it is feasible. There is only one condition that EVERYONE can fulfill. And that means motivation. You really have to want it. Change something. Because, of course, as soon as you change something, so does your environment, the people in contact with you (the “system” surrounding you). And you also have to prepare for that. All this we can look at and try out from a systemic point of view.

For the systemic form of therapy includes the fundamental inclusion of the always belonging to the problem system parts. These may be, for example, involved persons, certain circumstances, or recurring behaviors of certain individuals that cause or amplify the problematic behavior or problem per se. Thus, the therapy is never just about the problem and the person who is willing to look at the whole “dilemma” therapeutically, but always also about the existing system. Of course it is not always possible to get everyone involved (such as family members, bosses, colleagues, etc.) for a therapeutic session or counseling session so that we, as systemic people, like to become creative. So we simply use deputies, which we include in the talks instead of the real people. These may in turn be other people who, if present, simply slip into the role of the person in question (here it may come to the famous family constellations) or we may take items, small wooden figures or just a chair , a piece of clothing or a suitably painted piece of paper to replace an important person.

The imagination knows no limits. The decisive factor is always: What is helpful for you, so that you can take on new perspectives and thus develop new ways of thinking and acting for yourself? With which method, which strategies or which questions do we come a little closer to the solution that suits you?

The more open, neutral and unbiased I am as a therapist when meeting you, the better. Because only by being “very close to you” – I can listen to you attentively and recognize what you really want and need (and do not come up with the idea to believe I know because of my expertise and own thinking and behavior patterns, what right would be for you – because that’s exactly what is not!). You are and will remain the expert for your solutions. And as a therapist, I can only help you to find the right path for you. Because sometimes you lose as a concerned simply the overview and may well need new ideas.

Of course, the systemic approach that I appreciate offers much more. This is just a small part of it so you can get some insights into my work and attitude.

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